If you missed last week's webinar on targeted account selling with PersistIQ CEO Pouyan Selahi and Datanyze's Director of Outbound Sales Jason Vargas, or had to drop off early, here's a quick recap of some of the main we points discussed. Also below, you'll also find answers to some questions we didn't have time to take during the webinar.
Sales is no longer a numbers game. This is especially true in B2B sales where deals are larger and sales cycles are longer. The best sales reps don't take a spray-and-pray approach. Instead, they take a more methodical approach. They take time to understand the psychology of their buyers. But you don't have to go through years of schooling or have a degree in order to get into the psyche of your buyers. In fact, some of the best sales trainers can teach the underlying principals to you quickly.
Podcasts are a great way for busy salespeople to squeeze in a little more into their day. I can’t count how many top sales pros I know who are constantly on the lookout for the latest beat on sales.
Metrics are at the core of every fast growing sales team. But it’s about more than just tracking dials, demos and deals. Those are easy to track and don’t actually give you insights into what’s working and what’s not in your sales process. For that, you need to drill down deeper in your sales funnel analytics.
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