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Outbound Sales Beginners Guide: Definition, Strategies, and Best Practices

Outbound Sales Beginners Guide: Definition, Strategies, and Best Practices What is outbound sales

What is outbound sales? This is one of the first questions any business looking to acquire new customers will ask. Outbound sales involves actively reaching out to potential customers and clients instead of waiting for them to come to you. While this sales approach can be challenging, it’s also one of the best ways to […]

Inbound vs. Outbound Sales: What’s the Difference?

Inbound vs. Outbound Sales: What’s the Difference? Inbound vs Outbound sales

Inbound vs. outbound sales – what’s the difference, and which approach is better? This is one of the most common questions businesses ask when trying to attract more customers.  Both inbound and outbound sales strategies are effective, and they both come with their pros and cons. Before investing in your sales plan, it’s important to […]